Tab key prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

Tab key | englesko - srpski rečnik

Tab key


A key, often labeled with both a left-pointing and a right-pointing arrow, that traditionally (as in word processing) is used to insert tab characters into a document. In other applications, such as menu-driven programs, the Tab key is often used to move the on-screen highlight from place to place. Many database and spreadsheet programs allow the user to press the Tab key to move around within a record or between cells. The word tab is short for “tabulator,” which was the name given to this key on typewriters, where it was used in creating tables. See also tab character.
The key on an electric typewriter that causes a tabulation.

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taster Tab

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Taster na tastaturi koji pravi znak tabulatora. U većini programa, kada nešto pišete, ako pritisnete taster Tab, pomerićete se napred do sledećeg objekta, što može da bude grupa znakova za razmak u programu za obradu teksta, sledeće polje u bazi podataka ili ćelija u tabelarnom proračunu. Ako taster Tab pritisnete u okviru za dijalog, preći ćete na sledeće polje za tekst ili objekat u okviru za dijalog. Ako želite da se vratite natrag, to možete da uradite pritiskom na taster Šift istovremeno sa Tab, što je poznato kao Tab unatrag. + prikaži više

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Tab key

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